Thursday, September 30, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 I took a walk with my daughter through Willowdale Park to Sheppard East Park. Because she was sleeping, I continued our walk to Bessarion Parkette, where she woke up and we stopped for a snack.

 I'm at 10760 steps so far today. A few cool things:

- My daughter - who points to her bunny toys every morning and bounces them around her crib; who regularly asks to wear a bunny cap and then look at herself in the mirror; who squeals with joy at cartoon bunnies and pictures of bunnies - saw a REAL bunny today. She was overjoyed, pointing and patting her own bunny hat (which she was wearing before wanting to switch to her baseball cap temporarily) as if to say they were kin.

- As always, she was very excited to see a BIG truck, and the lady truck drivers inside waved and waved and waved. She waved at every truck she saw afterward.

- This child-drawn sidewalk chalk message in our nearest park on the way home (and, yes, she wanted me to switch to her bunny cap again):

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

A walk through the neighbourhood with my husband and daughter. 9466 steps so far today. 

Original goal list posted here

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Completed: #19. Buy / make / set up a bird feeder

 I bought this from Dave at Birdwatch Nature Shoppe, and my Dad hung it up in our backyard tree yesterday. We can see it from our living room window and one lady cardinal has already stopped by to sample the seed today. I hope she tells all her friends!

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 Downsview Park walk: It's absolutely beautiful there and I saw a lot of mushrooms.

Completed: #15. Birdwatch with my daughter

 She wasn't super fond of the stop and go pace of this bird walk, so we cut out a bit early. However, I did get to see a Gold-Crowned Kinglet, which I never have before, and I learned that the binoculars my husband picked up in a Max Sold Auction awhile ago are amazing. I definitely plan to continue to try to birdwatch with her over the years.

Progress: #15. Birdwatch with my daughter

 I've gotten very anxious about driving again, so have planned out nearby or familiar outdoor spaces to drive to for walks for the month upcoming.

Today, my daughter, husband and I will be attending this event in the woods at Downsview Park:

I obviously intend to do more birdwatching with her as she grows older and more cognisant, but it's nice to start somewhere like this.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 Today I harvested for two hours in our backyard gardens.

Carrots are definitely easiest to harvest after a night a rain (but also messiest -- sorry, fingernails!). This is our most bountiful harvest yet. I'll pickle the small ones, but am open to suggestions for what to do with the rest.

Sweetgrass. This is a first year growth from a transplant from my mom, which was a transplant from my little sister. I'm happy with how it worked out.

I braided two braids with the yield. My little sister is the best sweetgrass braider I know, so she tried to teach me some of her tricks.

Some of the year's many tomatoes. I intend to make some homemade ketchup with the bunch.

Ground cherries, which we pick almost daily for my daughter (provided they are ripe). She loves them way more than any other 1 year old, guaranteed.

Fresh basil, which I will dehydrate in my Excalibur and then hand grind. It should last me the year.

Original goal list posted here

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 Due to all our neighborhood walks, I now know the exact location of four local little free libraries. I always carry some good books to unload in the bottom of our stroller and sometimes manage to pick up something nice for my daughter or myself.

This morning was an early morning after a long night. Therefore, my daughter, my husband and I opted for something short at the moment. Our local little free library tour clocks me in at 7063 steps at present. I may walk again later - but, for now, I'm tired. 

I'm presently hanging out in the backyard in this pleasant fall weather with my little love, who has managed a much-needed 50 minute nap so far.

Original goal list posted here

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Progress #27. Tap a tree for maple syrup

I bought this starter kit to tap our backyard Box Elder Maples this winter (which do yield syrup, apparently). It has good reviews from true beginners, so 🤞.


Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 A walk through Willowdale Park to Sheppard East Park with my daughter. The latter is smaller than it looks from the outside, but the long sprawling paths of the former lead almost all the way there. It was a great shorter walk. Currently at 8222 steps today.

Original goal list posted here

Completed: #42. Buy an indoor pineapple plant

 I decided to buy this yesterday. I'm not sure how it will hold up in the mail, or in the care of someone who has accidentally killed every houseplant she's owned somehow, but I'll let you know. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 A walk around the neighbourhood with my husband and daughter. 9749 steps so far today.

Original goal list posted here

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 After two days of mostly being inside, both my daughter and I were itching to get out for a long walk again. I walked to and from Birdwatch Nature Shoppe - about 2 hours 45 minutes total (currently at 17022 steps). 85% of this walk was the same walk as Sunday, which is a walk I like a lot. The rest of it was down a street with a lot of mansions.

I bought (and was educated on) a squirrel-proof feeder and the owner, David, who is awesome, threw in a pack of seed that does not attract squirrels.

I also bought a couple Audubon stuffed birds with calls for my daughter. She has the cardinal already, so we picked up a downy woodpecker and a chickadee -- all birds she can see in our yard.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 I did maybe 15 minutes of yoga, and a short walk with my daughter (only 4000 steps), partially in the pouring rain. One of those days.

Original goal list posted here

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 I'm wiped. I did 30 minutes of yoga, mostly focused on stretching.

Original goal list posted here

Monday, September 20, 2021

Progress: #12. Do more foraging

 I made some more wild grape jam with the grapes I foraged yesterday (it may be enough for four slices of toast this time!). I used mesh bags this time to filter out 99% of the seeds.

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 This morning I woke up and said "I'm not going to go on any long walks. I'm too tired." I did one 20-minute and another 10-minute yoga video (both from Yoga with Adriene) and felt better. I proceeded to go on a walk with my husband and daughter an hour later that was over 12000 steps (oops), including a pitstop to vote at Edithvale Community Centre (not that my vote makes any difference in this neighbourhood -- or in Canada at all, really).

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 Hogg's Hollow and York Mills Valley Park. Currently at 12955 steps. (I thought it'd be harder to do after yesterday's almost 20000 by the day's end.) It was a nice walk -- a good mix of urban and green. Lots of pleasant passersby so early on a Sunday morning. 2.5 hours total and my daughter napped for over an hour. I found and picked some more wild grapes for jam.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 Four hours of walking. 17800 steps so far today. This is about the limit of what I can do right now. Bestview Park and a really nice nature trail.