Thursday, March 15, 2018

Completed: 30/30 - #18. read 30 texts that will aid in my teaching

I meant to do more with my March Break. After all, three of three years on this list are wrapping up in less than half a year and I still have goals to accomplish!

However, I found this book. Five days after cracking the cover, I'm still sitting here, my face wet with tears from what - Geoff can verify - is a book that has actually also made me laugh aloud more than any I have ever read.

I haven't sincerely ENJOYED reading something this much in almost a decade.

Oh, the students? I can add it to the 2D multicultural ISU list (Swedish), or watch the film and have the 3Us run a comparison.

I don't know. I'm not feeling all that intellectual right now. I'm just feeling.

Original goal list posted here

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Completed: #15. do my own taxes

I used Simple Tax to do my own taxes for the first time, like a real adult.

The wailing like a baby from fear and frustration? Not quite like a real adult yet. Maybe next year.

Alas. I prevailed. One more goal achieved. 

Original goal list posted here.