Sunday, March 10, 2019

Completed: #8. Use my 3Doodler

I had as Amber-esque a "bachelorette" as it gets, which consists of my little sister planning and driving, my mom cooking, my older sister bundling up her little ones, and two good friends bringing love and laughs as we all gather together in a mansion of a cottage with rescue animals on site. We made a lot of crafts.

My little sister taught me how to make my first dreamcatcher. Here it is:

I loved the process and want to get better at them. However, I am on a big buy-nothing-except-essentials-and-experiences kick, so I scavenged my studio upon arriving home for any hoops I could repurpose. It was to no avail.

During the search, I also stumbled upon my old boxed 3Doodler (coincidentally a gift from the same sister) and figured this would be a perfect opportunity to learn to use it. As the hoops will be covered in the dreamcatcher anyway, they do not need to be artistic yet -- just functional (and it's a good thing).

I traced out circular shapes on parchment paper, and tried all three types of plastic: PLA, FLEXY, ABS. PLA is best for the environment, so I started there. I couldn't figure it out. That is the disasterous pile at the left of the photo below. I'll endeavour again once I get more skilled. All videos tell me that the 3Doodler has a steep learning curve.

I moved on to FLEXY and made a small and medium-sized hoop. They were easy. I moved on to ABS and made a slightly larger hoop. 

FLEXY was by far the most user-friendly.

Someday I want to make something pretty, but at least this got me using the pen for now.

Now off to make another dreamcatcher before I forget how!

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