Sunday, March 31, 2019

Reflection: #5. Go greener

North Americans don't know shit about coffee. The most economical ways of making coffee are the most artisanal, the best tasting, and the least wasteful.

Keurigs and whatever are the other pod ones, are (a) terrible tasting, (b) chemical-laden, (c) expensive, and (d) really, really bad for the environment. 

Espresso and other "fancy" machines are (a) wonderful breeding grounds for cockroaches (simple Google search, go), and (b) expensive.

Drips are (a) lots of plastic, (b) about the worst-tasting coffee-making process, and (c) not comparatively cheap.

If you want to blame your lack of eco-friendliness on your economic needs, this is where it makes no sense to me. Do your research.

Buy a $6 pour-over, a $15 French press, or - if you're so inclined - a $30 Aeropress. The environment, your germ-phobic nature, and your tastebuds will thank you.

That's all. Friendly PSA. I understand some people doing some things for the sake of convenience, but coffee-related corner cutting I don't get, because it costs more to both your pocket and our earth. Plus, everything economical here is more artisanal, tastes better -- and life is too short for bad coffee.

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