Thursday, March 21, 2019

Progress #27. Do yoga for 30 days straight


This morning, I kept sleeping in and opted to shower instead of morning yoga. A truth: Showering is always an ordeal for me. I don't know why. If it isn't anxiety-inducing, it's akin to the begrudged drudgery of marking, or something. I hate it. I always have. There are just some things you have to do for the sake of others, though. This is one.

Also, straight up, if I didn't set this as a goal, I would have given up today. It just gets really hard for me to manage work + living. Really hard. I like my job, but it takes approximately 300% of my energy and I've sleeping every night by 5 or 6pm.

I realize it doesn't help that I haven't eaten solid food any day this week before 4:00pm and eat maybe 500 or so calories when I get home, take two Tylenol for a headache, crash. I realize I look totally fine, but I have completely terrible eating habits. I feel that others feel that so long as I look fine, I am entitled to those habits. Whenever I mention them, people say things like "Oh, me too; I didn't have breakfast," or something. I never do. But I guess I seem normal enough, so. If it doesn't bother anyone else, it doesn't bother me -- so long as I look ordinary, I suppose I deserve to eat terribly.

Anyway. I'm working on it. Today I ate some really great nachos and salsa I bought from a student sale downstairs. Lunch was goal #1. Yoga in the evening was goal #2.

I got in my thickest, coziest onesie and browsed my YouTube yoga playlist. The thumbnail for this one was Yogi Adrienne lying under a blanket, so that seemed A+ to me. It was good and easy, for a 30+ minute video -- mostly anxiety-related meditation (grateful), and hip stretches. Nothing strenuous. My hips are good. My hamstrings are not.

Leo joined in. I didn't even want to do this before I sat down begrudgingly. It was fine. Self-care. Knowing one's own limits. I'm not burning fat today. I'm not touching my toes today. I'm not taking on the world in any significant ways today.

I'm off tomorrow for an appointment, so. There's that, at least.
My motivations to continue: 1) I've been running this goal list for 10 years and it has inspired and affected some pretty significant changes in my life. I feel really indebted to it, and I set my mind to complete any goal I say I can. I guess I secretly think I can do most anything, if (a) I want to, and (b) I try. 2) My Dad says I'm not, and have never been, a quitter.

Original goal list posted here

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