Saturday, May 25, 2019

#5. Go greener

Today's eco tip: Foraging for garlic mustard.

This is a very plentiful and easily identifiable invasive species. You probably have it in your backyard right now.

It makes a delicious pesto. I can confirm.

This is garlic mustard in my backyard. This is what it looks like in its second year, when it is less bitter and easier to identify due to its tall height and small white flowers.

It is more bitter and flowerless in its first year, it is shorter, the leaves are more heart-shaped and less spiky. It can be foraged for use in either year, however. As it is invasive, it doesn't need to be foraged "responsibly". Go at it!

Here is the unmistakable way to identify: Pluck and crush a leaf. Smell it: Definite garlic scent.

After the rain this evening, I plucked out a small bouquet and made some raw vegan pesto. This had very minimal ingredients: Garlic mustard leaves, a few fresh basil leaves, walnuts, vegetable oil, cider vinegar, salt, black pepper, garlic cloves, some red pepper seasoning I love.

It should be used within the week, if refrigerated. If frozen, it lasts indefinitely. I've chosen the latter to try over rice later on this week.

As an addendum to the last post: May make some dandelion muffins tomorrow.

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