Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Completed: #38. Make a bird Christmas tree in our yard

 I read about this idea in an old book on backyard birding, where it says that it is a custom dating back to 16th century Europe, where people honoured the birds and beasts of nativity.

As many of these goals exhibit my hope that my daughter will grow up with an appreciation of nature and wildlife (even if we happen to live in the city at the moment), I thought it sounded like a fun new tradition.

I made garlands for an evergreen in our front yard (using a needle and thread) of:

- air popped popcorn

- walnuts

- grapes and blueberries

- raspberries and blueberries

- cut oranges

I then made bird cake ornaments, mostly following this recipe, only replacing the raisins with peanuts (as I did not have raisins), and expediting the process by using the microwave instead of stovetop and the freezer instead of the fridge. I set them in muffin paper, and hollowed out a hole with a bamboo skewer, which I then affixed to the tree with hemp twine.

I haven't seen any birds at it yet, but will keep watch!

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