Sunday, February 5, 2017

Completed: #32. buy rock tumbler material and tumble rocks

Though it fascinated me, I used this contraption once as a child. By once, I mean that I made my mom do everything for me and got impatient after one grit cycle and vowed myself finished. 30 days? 4 cycles? C'mon! (Never mind the fact that we're speeding up the erosion cycle thousands of years here - six year old me, like most six year olds I've ever met, wanted it now.)

Fortunately, at 32 (the same age my mom would have been when I was six, dear Lord), I'm quite a bit more patient. I bought this lovely little replacement kit on eBay (obviously also intended for children), complete with untumbled gemstones, varying degrees of grit, jewelry-making bits, and glue.

Here are the untouched stones:

After grit cycle 1, 12 days:

I'm not sure what happened to photo evidence of grit cycle 2, but that took another six days.

After grit cycle 3, 6 more days:

Lastly, after the final polish cycle, which ended up taking about 6 or 7 days, even though it should have been 4, because I became incapacitated with a migraine. Good times:

Worth the wait, I'd say! I pulled out the six stones I like best to carry in a tiny travel smudge kit I've been fashioning. The rest are in my craft collection drawers and I'd like to try jewelry-making for gifts someday.