Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Goals, 2021 - 2024

  1. Make a vest of map-patterned fabric
  2. Own property
  3. Build a train set
  4. Join a Toronto-based field study group
  5. Make a skating rink
  6. Learn more about coffee
  7. Build a fire
  8. Do a jigsaw puzzle
  9. Camp in the backyard with my daughter
  10. Do something active for 3 months straight
  11. Grow my own mushrooms
  12. Do more foraging
  13. Learn how to felt
  14. Grow crystals
  15. Birdwatch with my daughter
  16. Metal stamp jewellery
  17. Make my own cleaner / shampoo / beauty products
  18. Burnish rocks
  19. Buy / make / set up a bird feeder
  20. Take plaster castings of animal footprints
  21. Make my own essential oils
  22. Try at least three "life hacks"
  23. Make candles
  24. Learn more about rocks
  25. Bake bread
  26. Stop drinking bottled water at home
  27. Tap a tree for maple syrup
  28. Start my own sprouts
  29. Make something new for my daughter of her old baby clothes
  30. Travel somewhere with my husband and daughter
  31. Make my own vegan doughnuts
  32. Listen to five new music albums
  33. Find five constellations in the night sky
  34. Watch the sunrise
  35. Extract dyes from plants
  36. Complete my graphic novel
  37. Make three things with my daughter
  38. Make a bird Christmas tree in our yard
  39. Play a board game with my family
  40. Grow something new
  41. Plant bee-friendly herbs
  42. Buy an indoor pineapple plant
  43. Build a snowman

Goals Recap, 2018 - 2021

I completed 31/43 goals.

I discarded 7/43 goals.

I carried over 5/43 goals.

Update #1. Propose a written text for publication

 One company communicated interest for publication fairly quickly, so many more goals than usual remain unsatisfied in this set, because I've either been busy doing this, or raising a tiny human. It's a good life.

Original goal list posted here