Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Completed: #23. Make candles

 I'm trying out one of my Christmas gifts today: DIY candles! The funny thing is that, between a cat and a toddler, I don't even burn candles, but I always thought this could be a lot of fun for me, and make some nice gifts. I don't think I was wrong!

This was soooo easy to do, and also fun. After making a basic candle to start (lavender & cedarwood scented), I infused two candles with raw gemstones that will be unveiled as the user burns the candle, and three sweetgrass candles (my favourite scent in the world)!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Progress: #37. Make three things with my daughter

 1/3: We made some stickers of stamped labels.

She's 16 months and her new fascination is sticking stickers to a big piece of craft paper. 

I give you Exhibit A:

We made some stickers by stamping labels. This part was mostly me, but she helped in her toddler way. Then, as you can see, she stuck them to her sticker page -- and one to herself.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Completed: #13. Learn how to felt

 If I knew how easy this was to do, I'd have done so ages ago. (Unfortunately, this beginner's kit - a gift - is comprised of wool, and a cursory search doesn't yield many vegan alternatives. However, apparently cat's fur is also a possibility and my cat is 17 and always highly matted, so maybe I'll felt a miniature version of him from his own cut mats.) This bunny is for my daughter.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Completed: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 I finished decorating the Christmas tree today. With a toddler, it took hours. Also, today marks three months of this goal, which is now "complete" -- though I don't intend to just stop. Reflection on this soon.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 This morning I did some laundry. This afternoon, I started to decorate our Christmas tree delivery, but it will be an ongoing act with this wild little elf around.

I'm counting all of this as today's activity.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 I walked to our nearest participating MAP Pass library again with my daughter. We left at 8:45am, arrived at 9:15am (the library opens at 9), and stood in a line of fellow MAP Pass seekers. We got our tickets to the Toronto Railway Museum this time! I'll continue to visit on Saturdays and see what we can amass. 

9007 steps today.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 I walked to the nearby Gibson House Museum with my daughter and we had a private hour-long tour. It was interesting.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 Today, my daughter had a follow-up specialist appointment downtown. I realized the AGO was nearby and they were running an exhibit of Picasso's Blue Period, so my parents drove us to the appointment, we all went to the gallery together, then we grabbed lunch afterwards.

5403 steps so far today.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Progress: #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

 We went on a short stroll around the neighbourhood today. 7220 steps so far.

Original goal list posted here

Completed: #38. Make a bird Christmas tree in our yard

 I read about this idea in an old book on backyard birding, where it says that it is a custom dating back to 16th century Europe, where people honoured the birds and beasts of nativity.

As many of these goals exhibit my hope that my daughter will grow up with an appreciation of nature and wildlife (even if we happen to live in the city at the moment), I thought it sounded like a fun new tradition.

I made garlands for an evergreen in our front yard (using a needle and thread) of:

- air popped popcorn

- walnuts

- grapes and blueberries

- raspberries and blueberries

- cut oranges

I then made bird cake ornaments, mostly following this recipe, only replacing the raisins with peanuts (as I did not have raisins), and expediting the process by using the microwave instead of stovetop and the freezer instead of the fridge. I set them in muffin paper, and hollowed out a hole with a bamboo skewer, which I then affixed to the tree with hemp twine.

I haven't seen any birds at it yet, but will keep watch!