Thursday, May 19, 2016

Completed: #13. make my own sushi

Now, I love me some veggie sushi. I order it every few months when I am empty of fridge and hungry of belly. However, I always end up asking myself two questions upon ordering:

1. Is this worth the cost?
2. Couldn't I just make this myself?

It is out of these questions that this goal originally transpired.

Now, I steadily prepared for this goal for weeks. WEEKS. I bought a bamboo mat. I bought a brand new, shiny, sharp, Japanese-style knife. I bought some sushi rice, reading and rereading the preparation directions on the reverse. I read sushi-making blogs and watched sushi-making vlogs. I tailored my Mama Earth veggie order to sushi-making. I planned an evening trip with my sister and baby nephew to our best local Asian supermarket.

I couldn't have been more ready. 

Bring it, said I, in an unusual burst of self-confidence, energy, and enthusiasm. I will make sushi for days. DAYS.

Well. Hours after this photo was taken, I posted to Facebook:

"That was a disaster. Here's a photo where I have to earn *some* presentation points. I really tried. Haha"

My dear friend Hema responded:

"It looks great. What was the disaster?"

My response - a mere photo, a very illustrative photo - says it all:

Of all the how-tos I consulted, this one was the most helpful:

I am grateful to this goal for providing me the answers I was so desperately seeking to the above two questions:

1. Yes
2. No

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