Thursday, July 4, 2019

Progress #34. Try 10 different beading projects

6/10: Anklets / Ankle Cuffs

I made these to match my steadily-developing regalia, which centres around my spirit name.

I also got to use the last of the gold bugle beads gifted to me by my mom to make the golden eagle feathers -- and as the last in the series that involves the golden eagle on the vest, the feathers on the bracelet cuffs and, now, the feathers on the anklets, I thought that was quite serendipitous and neat.

My next project will be a headpiece / band of flowerwork to match the front of my vest -- and I'm going to loombead it, because I haven't beaded on a loom since I was a kid and I used to love it so much -- this really logical bridging of math and art. I'm excited.

My next next project is going to be to fully appliquée a plain pair of Toms-esque shoes with a sunrise and flowers. This should be the last piece of regalia, until I learn to machine sew a ribbon skirt. That likely won't be until my next set of goals, though.

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