Monday, September 7, 2015

Progress: 1/5: Blueberry Bannock - #25. cook five different Métis recipes

At its best, I've always found bannock (or fry bread) to taste more like a doughnut, than a pancake or a dinner roll. Though I've never made it myself, this taste was my aspiration in this dish.

Like many artists, I'm much more for the invention and creative license found in cooking, than I am for following recipes and directions. As such, these sort of endeavours are never my favourite or my forté in the area of foods - but I'm pleased with my small taste test, I think.

I've adapted this recipe from two found in "Breaking Bread Across the Nation" - the Métis Nation of Ontario's recipe book. A caveat: I am a vegan and I try to maintain a low gluten diet and will adapt all recipes to these particular specifications. As such, they're not all authentic - this one, evidently, included. I have, for the most part, tried to pick already existing vegetarian (if not vegan) recipes, and have adapted only as necessary.

Don't Panic! Here's Some Gluten-Free Blueberry Bannock!

  • 4 cups rice flour
  • 4 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 pint blueberries
  • Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl to form a well in the centre.
  • Pour liquids into well and stir gently.
  • Fold blueberries into mixture.
  • Put mixture onto floured surface.
  • Kneed gently for about 1 minute.
  • Kneed into 1" thickness.
  • Cut into mixture with the top of a glass to make the base shape for the fry bread.
  • Place in a lightly oiled pan (I used olive oil).
  • Fry, flipping sides, until both sides are golden brown.
  • Lightly blot with paper towel before storing for consumption.

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