One of the best things about these goal lists is that they always compel me to develop these sideline hobbies that I wouldn't otherwise encounter. I used to think of these as distractions from the goals at hand - but now, well, it's been six-and-a-half years of goals. I'm older and I embrace these sideline hobbies.
I'm more logical than I am spiritual - but, as Douglas Coupland argues in Life After God, we are all creatures with deep-rooted spiritual impulses. If I get sidetracked, but my spirit is nourished in the process, my self must require something from that supposed "distraction".
My dad is quick to call these "meant-to-bes". I used to think that this required some suspension of free will - an admission to predetermination - but I don't, any longer, think that it does. Our lives could take various many paths. Sometimes one ends and, in awhile, another opens. Another could have opened, but we have taken this one. We can will another one to open, or we can choose to follow whatever has called us down this beaten path. I am lead by my (metaphorical) heart.
Here are some opportunities my Fraser fir has opened for me:

I crafted new ornaments and pendants. This is what I have been arriving home to do. It's simple and therapeutic and, of late, more compelling than my days. They are created only of gel pen, pencil crayon, and a Mod Podge sealant.
I have so many more ideas, still.

I made a sugar scrub of fir and clementine-infused coconut oil.
(1 cup sugar : 1/2 cup oil )
(1 cup sugar : 1/2 cup oil )
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