Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Progress: 23/30 - #18. read 30 texts that will aid in my teaching

My school has 3 Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs: Health and Wellness, Transportation and Technology, and, the newest, Environment.

Each student in a SHSM must complete a cumulative learning activity in grade 11/12, in certain core subjects, through the lens of their SHSM. As this cannot be an additional project, this generally involves completing an existing class project through this lens.

I have adapted the 4C course as follows for the first two SHSMs:

1. For Health and Wellness students, Glass Castle free choice journals, students analyze the psychological and physical effects of the Walls' parenting on their children, supporting their analysis with external research and articles.

2. For Transportation and Technology students, they write their personal memoir about a difficult or challenging learning experience relating to their SHSM (i.e. fixing a car).

For Environmental students, I am in the process of cultivating a list of texts with an evironmental focus.

I read Dig too Deep for this list. Instead of reading the class text Ready Player One, Environmental students will complete the same project (a comparative film/text essay focusing on three aspects of the hero's quest archetype), but with a chosen text from the list.

Verdict: Dig too Deep will work perfectly for this assignment.

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