Sunday, September 30, 2018

Completed: #14. Define 50 new words I learned from the Scrabble app

Sked noun Informal.
an airline that maintains a regular schedule of flights.

Glia (also neuroglia) noun Anatomy, Cell Biology.
a class of cells in the brain and spinal cord that form a supporting structure for the neurons and provide them with insulation

Cadi (also kadi, qadi) noun, plural qa·dis.
a judge in a Muslim community, whose decisions are based on Islamic religious law.

Jnana noun Hinduism.
knowledge acquired through meditation and study as a means of reaching

Jebel (also djebel) noun
(chiefly in Arabic-speaking countries) a mountain: often used as part of a placename to indicate that the place is situated on or near a mountain

Kugel  noun Jewish Cookery
a baked casserole resembling a soufflé or

Anoa noun
a small forest buffalo, Bubalus (Anoa) depressicornis, of the island of Celebes, having a brown coat and straight, sharp-tipped horns: an endangered species

Abvolt noun Electricity.
the centimeter-gram-second unit of electromotive force, equivalent to 10−8

Bream noun, plural (especially collectively) bream, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) breams.
any of various freshwater fishes of the genus Abramis, as A. brama, of Europe, with a compressed, deep body and silvery scales

Aurei (plural of aureus) noun
a gold coin and monetary unit of ancient Rome, from Caesar to Constantine I.

Yauld adjective (Scot. and North England.)
active; vigorous

Azo adjective Chemistry
a combining form used in the formation of compound words, especially names of chemical compounds containing a nitrogen group, especially one attached at both ends in a covalent bond to other groups

Toric adjective
noting or pertaining to a lens with a surface forming a portion of a torus (a doughnut-shaped surface generated by the revolution of a conic, especially a circle, about an exterior line lying in its plane) used for eyeglasses and contact lenses that correct astigmatism

Aa noun
basaltic lava having a rough surface.

a digraph or ligature appearing in Latin and Latinized Greek words. In English words of Latin or Greek origin, ae is now usually represented by e, except generally in proper names (Caesar), in words belonging to Roman or Greek antiquities (aegis), and in modern words of scientific or technical use (aecium)

Ai noun
a three-toed sloth, Bradypus tridactylus, inhabiting forests of southern Venezuela, the Guianas, and northern Brazil, having a diet apparently restricted to the leaves of the trumpet-tree, and sounding a high-pitched cry when disturbed

Al noun
Indian mulberry (a small tree, Morinda citrifolia, of the madder family, found from India to Australasia, having shiny leaves, white flowers, and fleshy, yellowish fruit, yielding red and yellow dyes)

Et verb Chiefly North Atlantic, South Midland, and Southern U.S. Nonstandard.
a simple past tense of eat.

Gi noun
a lightweight, two-piece, usually white garment worn by barefooted martial-arts participants, consisting of loose-fitting pants and a wraparound jacket with cloth belt.

Jo noun, plural joes. Scot.
beloved one; darling; sweetheart

Ka noun Egyptian Religion.
a spiritual entity, an aspect of the individual, believed to live within the body during life and to survive it after death

Ki noun
the Sumerian goddess personifying earth

Od noun
a hypothetical force formerly held to pervade all nature and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc

Anatomy, Zoology. a bone

Po noun, Australia and New Zealand.
a chamber pot.

Ut noun Music.
the syllable once generally used for the first tone or keynote of a scale and sometimes for the tone C: now commonly superseded by do

Xu noun
an aluminum coin and monetary unit of Vietnam, the 100th part of a dong

Pandy noun
a stroke on the palm of the hand with a cane or strap given as a punishment in school

Rale noun Pathology.
an abnormal crackling or rattling sound heard upon listening to the chest, caused by disease or congestion of the lungs

Whit noun
a particle; bit; jot (used especially in negative phrases): not a whit better

Ort noun
Usually orts. a scrap or morsel of food left at a meal

Noma noun. Pathology.
A gangrenous ulceration of the mouth or genitalia, occurring mainly in debilitated children.

Wen noun
Pathology. a benign encysted tumor of the skin, especially on the scalp, containing sebaceous matter; a sebaceous cyst

Aerie noun
the nest of a bird of prey, as an eagle or a

Fard noun
facial cosmetics
verb (used with object)
to apply cosmetics to (the face)

Cyma noun
Architecture. either of two moldings having a partly convex and partly concave curve for an outline: used especially in classical architecture

Fen noun
low land covered wholly or partially with water; boggy land; a marsh

Tun noun
a large cask for holding liquids, especially wine, ale, or beer

Jin (or jinn) noun, Islamic Mythology.
any of a class of spirits, lower than the angels, capable of appearing in human and animal forms and influencing humankind for either good or evil

Galiot noun Nautical.
a small galley propelled by both sails and oars.

Ansa noun, Archaeology.
a looped handle, especially of a vase

Teg (or tegg) noun
Animal Husbandry.
a two-year-old sheep that has not been shorn.
the wool shorn from such a sheep

Taj noun
a high, conical cap worn in Muslim countries.

Lionized verb (used with object)
to treat (a person) as a celebrity

Leu noun
a coin and monetary unit of Romania, equal to 100 bani

Quai noun
public path beside a waterway

Biota noun (used with a singular or plural verb) Ecology.
the animals, plants, fungi, etc., of a region or period

Zebu noun
one of a domesticated form of cattle, Bos taurus indicus, of India, having a large hump over the shoulders and a large dewlap (fold of skin under the throat)

Sen noun
a money of account of Japan, the 100th part of a yen, now used only in certain quotations, as on foreign exchange

Senhora noun
a Portuguese term of address equivalent to Mrs., used alone or capitalized and prefixed to the name of a married or older woman

Original goal list posted here

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Progress #5: Go greener

Today I harvested all potatoes and one row of carrots from the garden. I added all small potatoes and all large carrots to a small stew, along with one onion, 3 cloves garlic, three underdeveloped zucchini + three small green tomatoes + three cauliflower leaves + 1 small pumpkin from the garden, some dried red lentils and peas, and all my favourite seasonings.

Next, I took all the very tiny carrots and pickled them (recipe from the awesome book in the background of this photo):

Lastly, I made two containers of pumpkin seed milk and two containers of soy milk via my much loved SoyaBella machine.

Progress #5: Go greener

Here is a list of places in Toronto I want to attend (I'm calling them my "field trips", as I'm grouping some that are close together, hoping to attend all listed under a certain number on a single trip), which all support a green philosophy. These are in no particular order:

1. b. good + De Mello Palheta (both located at Yonge / Eglinton)

b. good (76 Eglinton East):
- restaurant where food is sourced sustainability, to reduce environmental impact
- dishes are seasonal, changing with local harvests
- fosters local partnerships
- app helps food insecure: free entree w/sign-up

De Mello Palheta Coffee Place (2489 Yonge)
- green coffee philosophy
- origin-based approach (I'm obsessed with the sample I received of their Ethiopian Shakisso)
- dry/semi-washed / experimentally processed coffees: lower environmental impact
- seeks to develop markets in lesser known coffee-producing regions / newer producers
- quality of coffee includes "social value"

2. Annares Natural Health, Hogtown Vegan, Saponetti Inc., West End Food Co-op

Annares Natural Health (Bloor/Dufferin)
1076 Bloor St. W.
- not for profit
- natural cosmetics, aromatherapy & cosmetic-making supplies
- ethically-sourced essential oils
- storefront funds clean water campaigns
- local, small, ethical suppliers 
- events, workshops and labs

Saponetti Inc. (pick up: Bloor/Dufferin)
615c Brock St. - 3-7 W-F, 10-3 S
Refills at 830 St. C. W.
- Canadian-made, environmentally-friendly, hypoallergenic soaps & detergents
- philosophy is about minimizing net environmental impact & reduction of plastics
- glass jars are kept for refills

Hogtown Vegan (Bloor/Dufferin)
1056 Bloor St. W.
- vegan comfort food with a southern spin
- offers a range of local craft beers
- ranked in NOW as one of Toronto's best restaurants

West End Food Co-op (Queen and Dufferin)
1229 Queen St. West
- multiple stakeholder, not-for-profit co-operative
- interested in food security & sustainability
- connected to local farmers

3. Karma Co-op (Bathurst/Bloor)
739 Palmerston Ave.
- non-profit, owner-controlled, democratic organization
- grocery store
- members work in store & manage the co-op
- after attending an orientation, members can join via working membership, flat fee, %-rated, work-exempt membership
- one month trial shop & guest shop are possibilities

4. The Big Carrot (two locations: Chester/Danforth & Main/King)
348 Danforth & 125 Southwood Dr.
- worker-owned natural food market
- devoted to local, organic and sustainable food systems
- grocery, bulk, body care + juice & smoothie bar & kitchen 
- provides store tours & education outreach

5. Vegan Danish Bakery & Natural Life Health Market (both in Thornhill - Yonge/Centre & Bathurst / Centre)

Vegan Danish Bakery
7718 Yonge St.
- 100% vegan bakery & cafe

Natural Life Health Market
7700 Bathurst St., #30
- one of Canada's largest selections of supplements, natural foods, books & cosmetics

6. Feed it Forward and Awai (Bloor West Village) -- may also check out Sweet Potato's new location

Feed it Forward (Dundas & Runnymede)
3324 Dundas St. West
- the world's first pay what you can grocery store / cafe / bakery
- diverts food headed to landfills
- interested in food security & waste reduction

Awai (Bloor & Runnymede)
2277 Bloor St. W.
- plant-based collective
- vegan restaurant with set menu, revolving with seasonal Canadian produce
- choices: lunch (3 courses - $31), dinner (5 & 7 courses - $55/$85, respectively)

7. Nanashake (Yonge/Sheppard) 
4750 Yonge St., unit 134 (entrance on Beecroft)
- Toronto's first dedicated frozen dessert parlor
- dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan frozen desserts

Original goal list posted here

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Progress #5: Go greener

I made all the following today, at least in part from my gardens:

1. Great stuffed pumpkin (This time I roasted a backyard pumpkin stuffed with basmati rice, red lentils, green peas, onions, celery, backyard carrots and zucchini, pepitas, sage, thyme, black pepper, yellow curry powder, and salt).

2. Two sweetgrass braids, saving any short or fallen pieces for medicine pouches. (No waste!)

3. Vegan / Gluten-free pumpkin muffins, shortly to be topped with a vegan cream cheese icing.

4. Pumpkin seed milk (This time, more seeds and less water, for a thicker milk)

5. 7 jars of sweet zucchini relish.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Progress: #34. Try 10 different beading projects

2/10: Regalia hair ties for my braids, based on a design from some my dad brought back from a hunting trip to Geraldton when I was just a wee lass. I learned how to do a picot beading edge, which I think was easy, fun, and pretty. I'd do it again.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Progress: #34. Try 10 different beading projects

1/10: Golden Eagle Feather Cuffs.

I'm working on more regalia pieces, to complement my vest.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Progress: #5. go greener

I walked back later this afternoon with a bag, and picked as many crabapples as I could reach without a ladder.

As these were the most numerous recipes, I decided on crabapple jelly.

Lately, I am highly interested in waste free cooking and eating, so I didn't prefer that most recipes said to discard the pulp.

Instead I deseeded them and made a version of one of my favourite fall treats: cooked (crab)apples with cinnamon, maple syrup, sugar, topped with oatmeal and thick soy milk.

V. good.

Original goal list posted here

Progress: #36. Join a Toronto-based field study group

I found the one for me.

Wild Foragers Society

Will endeavour to go on their #52 Toronto frolic in late October. If anyone wants to come with, let me know!

Progress: #5. Go greener

I went for a walk to mail wedding invites. Picked these from a tree in the park, filling my overall pockets for the walk home. Otherwise, here in the city, they litter the ground and rot. I'm sure I can find something to do with them. Crabapple jelly?

You can take the lineage out of the country, but...

You know the rest. City girl, country heart. Etc.

Original goal list posted here

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Progress: #5. Go greener

I planted way too many pumpkins this season (I'm new), and they've definitely been the stars of the garden. It's good I am highly keen on pumpkin-ANYTHING. I've learned some new dishes, too. I'm also really into learning about ways to minimize waste these days, so I've been varying uses for the seeds: roasted, saved, placed into various cooking dishes.

Today, after making a pot of Three Sisters Soup where I replaced acorn squash with pumpkin, I pulled out the trusty and marvelous Soyabella and collected up the seeds to make pumpkin seed milk. Success! I packaged the results into 4 Magic Bullet cups for my Vega shakes this week.

Original goal list posted here

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Progress: #5. Go greener

In an effort to reduce my plastic waste, I'm trying out some bar shampoo and face wash (cruelty-free / vegan, too, as per usual):

Original goal list posted here.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Completed: #6. French Braid my own hair

Not the greatest, but my first ever attempt -- and I always leave myself room to grow.

Thanks to this video.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Goals, 2018-2021

  1. Propose a written text for publication
  2. Create and play a song on the native flute
  3. Make a quilt
  4. Make a vest of map-patterned fabric
  5. Go greener
  6. French braid my own hair
  7. Make my own 3D print design
  8. Use my 3Doodler
  9. Clean up / transfer files from my old Mac to my new one
  10. Donate my hair
  11. Make my own mustard
  12.  Make Polish barszcz
  13. Do more advocacy for autism
  14. Define 50 new words I learned from the Scrabble app
  15. Read and write more poetry
  16. Own property
  17. Try calligraphy
  18.  Apply to secondment or a teacher-funded leave, further my education, or teach something new
  19. Get married
  20. Make 5 recipes with the dehydrator
  21. Bake a vegan tourtiere
  22. Carve my own rubber stamps
  23.  Practice anatomical drawing
  24. Use a telescope
  25. Learn to label all the countries in Africa on a map
  26. Play a 400,000+ Tetris game
  27. Do yoga for 30 days straight
  28. Sleep in the backyard in a tent cot
  29. Try stained glass
  30. Build a train set
  31. Do a geology-based trip
  32. Meditate for 15 minutes daily for one week straight
  33. Hang something on the wall
  34. Try 10 different beading projects
  35.  Learn more about bird watching
  36. Join a Toronto-based field study group
  37. Plant berries or fruit trees
  38. Make a skating rink
  39. Go on an international history-based trip
  40. Make my own tofu
  41. Learn to label all the states in America on a map
  42. Do more public speaking
  43. Go on a Nordic tour

Goals Recap, 2015-2018

I completed 38/43 goals.
I discarded 1/43 goals.
I carried over 4/43 goals.

Completed: #43. make my own regalia

Original goal list posted here