Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Progress #27. Do yoga for 30 days straight

18/30: This has gotten to the point where it is no longer just a checklist goal for the day. I was excited to get up this morning and try something more challenging than yesterday.

I love this one. Granted, I still can't do every move perfectly, but it was a fast and challenging routine with a long-enough cool-down to appreciate the work. At the end, she talked about liking movement-heavy routines on days where her mind is frantic, in order to temporarily suspend those thoughts in ways that slow routines cannot.

I like this concept because my only escapism from frantic thoughts - for years and years - is to sleep. I sleep a lot: Not regular people a lot, either. Something like 11-18 hours daily, and I hate it. I do think it is more psychological than physiological, as I'm much better on extended breaks from work.

I'll try to remember this idea as an alternative.

PS: I'm up early enough now to hear the spring birds chirping and once I read a quote that said birds must know something of faith or trust, because they sing in anticipation of a sunrise, even when it is still dark outside. I think about that quote a lot.

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