Saturday, April 6, 2019

Progress: #27. Do yoga for 30 days straight

22/30: Today was by far - by far - my favourite. This takes place in an actual Ashram, with birdsong, and I opened my windows to have fresh air on our first warm spring day.

I learned via this routine that there is one inversion that I can already do quite easily: shoulder stand.

I've also just spent the last hour geeking out about Sivananda yoga: adding more routines of this variety to my playlist, learning about Swami Sivananda (who, of all days in a year, died on my birthday, guys), researching retreats and classes, learning about links to vegetarianism and Sivananda yoga.

There are beginner weekend retreats in Barrie. There is one upcoming in May/June. Would anyone want to join me? (I'll tag potential people when I share this to Facebook - HI.)

Douglas Coupland says in Life After God that we are deeply spiritual creatures, but we have severed our large scale connections to spirituality and replaced them with worldly things. He says if we paid attention to patterns and symbols in our life, noting them on a daily basis, we would all realize that we are living another life altogether beneath the life we know and accept to be real.

I woke up this morning, in a half-sleep, thinking about how amber (the object) is permanence and preservation -- and how I remember everything. Then a cat named Leo repeatedly stepped on my face and needed food.

I don't know what I'm on about, but I feel kind of radiant, though it could just be the coffee.

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