I had vowed to never use a digital reader, scoffing at people who looked at phone or tablet screens, mentioning something about "my book". My future home will have a wall-to-wall library of books - you know, real ones - and as a tactile book-lover and teacher of literature, I see the preservation of this future lost art as vital.
On Christmas evening, I ventured into Google Play, while trying to assist a student via email to find a cheap and easy version of a certain book that would otherwise take too long to order to even complete the independent study.
It was there that I discovered this free memoir. I read 80% of it on my phone, waiting on dinner, grateful for the busy but quiet sensory break. Oh and, boy, could I relate:
Here is another recommendation to add to my mental-memoir-list.
Also, do not worry, for I have not quite joined the digital dark side. However, it may be nice to "carry" some ultra-light extra digital copies of books while travelling, in the case that I burn through all my real ones too quickly.