Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Progress #10. Do something active for 3 months straight

I have a grand total of one strength when it comes to physical activities: Balance. My areas for improvement, on the other hand, are: flexibility and coordination. Stamina can go in a category in direct relation to how much I am doing something + how little I hate it. I dislike any activity highly dependent on flexibility and coordination. Group sports are generally out. 

I've always liked rollerblading. I grew up in the era of Wheelies (and ice rinks) as preteen hangouts. I found rollerblading was easy to pick back up again circa 9 or 10 years ago, when work was a constant source of drama and frustration. It used to be my after school evening activity: I lived near the lakeshore and would always make my way down to and along the waterfront because I think my soul is supposed to be near water. Anyways. 

I'm currently wearing rollerblades and wrist guards circa age 12. I haven't grown much, truth be told. It's been since that 9 or 10 years ago that I've bladed, but it never takes an adjustment for me. Balance. I'm no pro, but pro in comparison to how terrible I am at most other things that involve kinesthetics.

I went for only about 40 minutes today. I liked it. This neighbourhood has no lake, but it's much more bladeable than my last.

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